Mr.Mundane ( ss )You will wait along time. I have done my DD and am quite satisfied with what I know.If you think that the listing will have no effect put your 10000 shares up and I will buy them from you.I have no interest in sharing my DD with someone who's only existence is to crawl around the Bullboards raining down negativity when the essence of this board is for the exchange of meaningful imformation and insight. As for backpeddling on the 200 analysts, I said that they had confirmed that many that were going to visit the booth - not necessarily come into the stock. You would have understood that if you had spoken to the company or if the company was willing to talk to you.
Regarding your comments to Laza re why would anybody sell now and ride the warrants up.The broker from Paramount that sold his 4.5 million shares at .65 and is riding his 4.5 million warrants up, as much as we don't like it, doubled his investment in less than 2 years and now has 4.5 million shares of pure profit above the strike price. Not that bad from an investment point of view.
Like I said put up your 10000 shares and I will buy them and I will eat at home tonight in a sybolic jesture of some sort of financial sacrifice that I have made.
I guess you forgot spellcheck as I see you have even a new version of how to spell seredipitous today.
A great weekend to all ,including you ss, and I will raise a pre- announcement toast to our impending results,