RE: US DEBT UP 29 BILLIONS IN THE PAST WEEK'Holy cow! That's 29 BILLIONS in a week! (correct me if I'm wrong.)Spin doctors are doing a terrific job, but it can only last so long. Something has to give...eventually.'
You got that right. When you see the price of gold fall the way it does it is because the US is selling gold down from their reserves to prop up their dollar. Their reserves are going to be fairly low by mid July. The US does not have enough gold left in their reserves to stop the downward presure placed on their dollar from outside influences like China who has been selling their american dollars for gold. Their are other countries selling their american dollars for gold also.
The US economy is being shielded by the spin doctors very well because the US public are apathetic. They believe their government when they tell them that things are fine which anyone with an ounce of sence and who can read more than a bubble gum wrapper know's nothing could be farther from the truth.
It is just a matter of time before the $hit really hits the fan for the US and that time can be measured in months.