RE: SIRIT Press ReleaseSI is a niche market specialist (toll booths) and late entrant to the SCM market (hence the apparent specialization in handhelds). The press release is no more compelling than all of the VAR announcements with SMY and its affiliates. The real competition is the likes of Matrics with recent announcements of contracts with dollar values attached(i.e., Hong Kong airport, $3.5M). Until this type of NR is announced under the SMY banner, the price will continue to drift. And because of existing non-disclosure agreements, we won't hear anything, so we patiently wait until the 3Q financials are released to tell us if we've "sold any readers yet". Patience is a virtue, but I'll be happier once we're past the pilot stage.
In other news, Walmart announced today that the volunteer list beyond the top 100 suppliers has now increased to 37.