RE: Don't understand ! All this talk about a roll back is a load of crap.First of all TVI has never mentioned a roll back.If they ever do I'll be out untill the dust settles.Most penny stocks do roll backs because they're in trouble and want to make the stock appear more attractive.Most seasoned investors know this and will sell or not buy if they where looking.I could search around and come up with a $hit load of companies whos price has plumeted after a roll back,compared to a few that have gone up,and I could post the results here.But I'm not going to,because I've already looked into it along time ago and it would be boring and a PITA to do it again when I know what the outcome will be.
So instesd of you guys kicking around a usless subject,maybe spend the time doing some dd on roll backs,it might save you alot of $$$ one day.
Like Magnum said yesterday its all about perception,roll backs in penny stocks are precieved as bad,even when done for the right reasons.
If this 200m share thing goes through and they eventually dilute the living $hit out of the stock,then we should start worrying about a roll back.