RE: I can see it now.agree LOl
Sinclair should ADMIT he is wrong. i have given him the beneift of the doubt the whole way thru this prediction and even stated a few weeks back when POG surged that he might in fact be right. but golly- his comments on the website ect- are ridiculous. All his hot air about shutting down his website is just that- now he will reopen on a different site and charge people to visit it.
Well IMHO since i have followed him- i dont think he has been right much more than wrong than most others. Adios Jimbo... i'll read your stuff if its free- but if you are charging people- there are better"gurus" than you. hell maybe i will set up a sight- gain a tonne of hits and then start charging people. i wouldnt do worse than him- i guarantee you that!!LOl