Gord666I'm with you Gord regarding the gambling aspect of new technology and a new small company. Putting all your eggs in one basket is not a good idea unless of course you are willing to loose it all ! Personally I'm overwieght but wouldn't think of putting everything into one basket. I've seen my share of "sure winners" go down the drain in less than a day!
I've really liked the way the company has performed over the last year except for the last few weeks.
When the prinicpals do stupid things like sell 90% of the shares in a given day, that doesn't sit well with me. And to make matter worse SAMsys's position seems to be that because they announced a deal with Metro that it is O.K for them to sell 90% of the days share. On the positive side only one of the prinicpals did that, the rest sold small lots on odd days.