BBD will never Die there is just to much at stake to let this company sink, dont let these MMs F_CKS suck you outta of your money and shares. These are all the same people who were jumping ship off the Nortel wagon when everyone said it was doomed.Well for the few who are smart and had some balls then definetely made a little fortune. maybe a different company different products but same story. Just history repeating itself. I remember when my wife had given some money to one of these gurus i just laughed, she had owned Bomber just after the split in the $20 range and obviously it dropped and at that time it went to the $2-3 range the fuuny part was her broker only called to sell when it was at the bottom what a joke, i wonder how many people these brokers fish in to sell there stock with scare tactics only to line there own. Investing in the markets are risky i am not saying to buy here but just remember very few people actually make great money but when they do it is always the ones fighting the trend.......