New GeoTem targets - locationsI pulled out the annual report from 2001 and on page 5 is the original geophysical map and the obvious target for the 1996 drill program. The two holes from 1996 that Will Purcell mentions in his latest blurb are plotted on the target on this map. This, Will states, is one of the targets they will be invesigating, as "it appears to be larger than first thought". That target was a perfect magnetic bullseye approx. 500 m in diameter back then, and may be much larger with the new geophysical testing.
The other target is of great interest. Will states that it is 10 km to the NW of Star. On a claim map of the area, Shore owns a neat little box-of-a-claim sandwiched right in amongst the DeBeers ground, along their western border, exactly 10 km NW of Star. If you look at all the kimberlite pipes plotted on the DeBeers/KRT main block of claims, they occur all around this one block of claims owned by Shore. Does anyone know anything about this claim block? Was it originally owned by the JV and dropped when no diamonds showed up in the original round of drilling? Or did Shore somehow secure this block before the JV got ahold of it, hence it has never been drill-tested? With bodies 122 and 150 just to the SE of this block, and the large 140/141 and 148 bodies (as well as Star) trending along a line that heads nearly straight for this block, the drilling slated for this area could turn up some very interesting results.