Management FocusI have read the past posts with a great deal of interest, but I have now come to the conclusion that things are stalled, despite the pouring of the first gold bar.
1. in the Alaskan play - longer than we thought, tougher to get permits, wont be mining ore, but dont worry, we will mine the tailings (disappointment), but there are always the other drill holes;
2. oh yes, those other drill holes, well the results are further delayed, but have no fear there's Clavos;
3. didn't we tell you that the Timmins play wont get started as quickly as we said and now its pushed back even further, but don't worry there are all the other goings on with minority interests in other companies;
4. oh thats right, those plans we had of moving everything together and having one big happy family, well there have been glitches.
So, disappointments - one after another after another. Not to mention that the CFO left. That, despite what one thought of the CFO, is a big development, and its not positive in my mind.
Management should focus on one thing at a time. This shotgun approach has never worked on the goings on at SAS prove this.
This stock should be hopping. Gold should be poured on a continual basis and ore should have been mined consistently. The stock price is languishing, lots of press releases spouting air, oh yes, even more financings but hey at more than 300 million shares whats a mere few tens of millions of new shares.
I am now moving this into my suspision rate with a negative trend and is under clos watch and vigilence.
I hope that I am wrong in my assessment, but for some of the posters, they are blinded by facts and have ignored those. At times its best to take a dispassionate view to investments. Of course I am not saying that this approach is for everyone and I respect all views on this board.
I am confident that I will hear various opinions, mostly in disagreement, regarding my position, but hey we are all entitled to be wrong, or right as the case may be.
Happy investing but as I have always been saying Thanksgiving will be an interesting time. Lets hope that this turns into a big fat turkey.