up datespoke to the captain yesterday and in summary both projects we are waiting for approval for are in progress.the greek project has been given the green light by all concerned including the dept. of defence.there are of course many signatures that are needed and these hopefully will be completed by the end of the first week in oct. peter will return to greece later next week to try and expediate things without of course pissing any one off. in turkey the mine produced another 15,ooo oz. in aug.but will not produce in sept. because of the shut down.remember this production is going to frp. and not newmount!! while the mine is shut down mantanice work is being done which is necessary in any mining operation.since many jobs have been lost both the union and community members are putting pressure on the authorities to grant the operating permitt as quickly as possible who knows exactly when!! as a simple analogy has anyone tried to put an addition on their house?? the number of people permitts and bureaucracy that one must go through is incredible and the time can frame can and usually is unreasonable especially when everyone is is sending in permitts as well.now remember that greece just held the olympics a HUGE event employing most of their resources so how much time do you think was spent on a small gold mine??? in any case as i stated before i bought this stock LONG AGO BASED ON THE MANAGEMENT TEAM WHICH HAS NOT CHANGED THEY WILL GET THE JOB DONE!!!!