fence sitters!!well folks just how much longer can you sit on your butt while those on the playing field are having fun!! with gold finally trading up past the 415 resistance level and onto the inevitable 450 to500 range how much will this little 40cent company make at ovacik??? A LOT more than the 40 cent exploration company you own that has a one in 5000 chance of building a mine. 15,000 to 17,000 oz.per month at a cost of 140dollars.humm is that 4,800,000 per month??? thats 160,000 per day i LIKE IT. TO PUT IT ANOTHER WAY ITS MORE THAN 40 CENTS PER SHARE OR THE SAME PRICE THE STOCK IS TRADING FOR TODAY IS THAT A PE OF ONE!!!!! i thought these stocks traded for pe's of 10 to 30 which would make this trade at" catch your breath" 4$ to 12$ so while some of us are playing ball on the field and some of you are still eating popcorn hotdogs and drinking coke who is going to have the most FUN!!!