RE: could use some help hereLeForrestier,
There are no (zero) shares shortsold in EGX, according to TSX
venture, this means that the market believes that EGX will go up.
Further, naked shortsellers (a.k.a. crooked brokers) of EGX will have their licences revoked and there'll be hearings, court cases
and jailtime as a result.
.. as I said earlier,
Please add the fact that Eurasia Gold Corp is an unhedged gold
producer and that's worth a lot!
I have one target set at 2 dollars per share for EGX.
However, historical charts for gold producers like EGX shows that it
can go to 200 dollars per share.
From cents to 2 dollars, 20 dollars or up to 200 dollars does not
really matter today, only time well tell how high EGX will go.
What matters today is that you must act, Eurasia Gold Corp is a
really good opportunity, imo. /W