Locked In at 1.25With the ask at 1.29 for 3000, and the next ask up at 1.35
for 5000 shares, both of these orders went thru at 'market' for 1.25 just now in my accounts:
Date Order # Action Qty Symbol Type Terms Status
12/21/2004 SVI-276894 Buy 3,000.000 shares IVWFF Cash N/A Executed 3,000.000 shares at 1.050 on 12/21/2004
12/21/2004 SVI-276916 Buy 1,500.000 shares IVWFF Cash N/A Executed 1,500.000 shares at 1.050 on 12/21/2004
1.05 is the US cash equivalent to 1.25 Cdn.
So this means that our seller, who had previously shown ask blocks at 1.25 for 25000 and later 50000 during the past few days, has gone 'underground' and is not visable on the market depth screen; Oops, there goes another 2500, also at 1.25, even though lowest ask on Level II is 1.29 for 3000 shares.
What a joke, the market maker for IVW is a scammer. The share price of IVW has been, and continues to be held down for cheap, this amount of money spent to sell of a few shares is nothing compared to the potential profits to buyers at these levels, but the price must be kept right here. Look now and see the 25000+ at the bid at 1.24 all this morning and yesterday too. IVW is being boxed.
I have seen this BS in US markets, Nasdaq but we know those markets are totally corrupt. Canadian investors take note, the market maker on this stock is a bagman for bigger players.
On the other hand, just like when IVW was mired at the mid-90's not long ago, the last round of manipulation, I loaded up, and now I'm getting cheap shares again, due to price manipulation.
It is what it is.