Testing to begin in March.......This is old news but it may be the catalyst that brings industry intrest for Sirit to the forefront as testing is set to begin in March 2005 (two short months away), the link is for a presentation of how the entire system is supposed to work and be implemented through until the year 2011. Quite amazing.
Standards For Intelligent Transportation System Will Speed Up Supply Chains
Amy Zuckerman
Federal mandate lays foundation for NAFTA-wide wireless two-way roadway communication system.
One of the biggest hopes for moving goods quickly and cost-effectively around the world, while beefing up security, rests with a little-known standard named WAVE and an equally little known Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision of December 2003.
WAVE stands for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments and represents the convergence of dedicated short-range communication technology (DSRC)-of the sort already in place for pass-through toll collection-with the Internet and data-based computing. It will be the underpinning of a new device called a transceiver, now under development by a consortium of transponder manufacturers, which will allow two-way communication from your vehicle to the roadside
Please accept my apologies if this had been posted in the past, but I follow this board on a daily basis and have never seen this presentation before, then again, I'm getting older and my memory is ...........what am I writing about again!!