RE: Off topic - Redman22 - MSDBe aware that regardless of indicators, stocks can go higher in price than you think reasonable. They can go lower in price than you think reasonable. They can go up or down faster than you think reasonable. They can go up or down much slower than you think reasonable and can remain completely static or motionless for longer than you think reasonable. They will go up when you think they should go down, and down when you think they will go up, regardless of any approach you might take.
If you are not discouraged yet, read on and if you are discouraged skip to the last paragraph.
Regardless, it virtually always, that the stock price time and volume which will determine the value of the indicators, and never the other way around. This places restrictions on their accuracy, and as a result of experiencing this, it should cause the seeker of knowledge, to ask questions. Questions which might in time turn the SOK to turn their focus from indicator study, to a study of themselves and towards the construction of a method to trade stocks. As I have previous suggested a long time ago. The 3 M's.... mind, method, money. Mind management, method management, money management. This is not an original thought of mine, I'm just passing it on cause it makes sense to me, and my expirence supports it.
But anyway, most important of all it is under your complete control to determine when enough is enough, how much profit is enough, how much loss is enough. Never surrender this most important requirement to the gods of chance. If you study the market, track your trades, and the market will tell you, and show you your greatest weakness which you can then work to correct. If you are subject to greed in time it will show you, if you are subject to irrational fears, in time it will show you. If you are undercapitalized, sadly you may learn this first, and only this.
eagleman ( not that I know anything about this at all.