Mining CostsWe specialize in delivering materials and fuel to mining companies. Cost in the North part of the Northwest Territories cost 50% more than in P.A. Saskatchewan. Labor costs are approximately 30% more in NWT than in Saskatchewan because of the fly in fly out ratio. Government and all banks in Saskatchewan look forward to this deal to see an economic turnaround. My friends in Saskatchewan say that businesses and government will bend over backwards to stimulate the economy which is already in an upswing because of oil and uranium exploration. Most investors in exploration close their eyes to local potential developments and brighten their eyes to investments way up north or in timbuk-to. My feelings/impulses, this holding of GSF will eventually be a trend setter. Many companies have holdings and areas around SGF and are waiting for their results before trying it on their own. They have actually spent very little money and time but when you look at their share price ratio, their price is actually the same as SGF. We are probably 18 months ahead of them and own 100% of the company. Longers, like us, who have paid the price will see benefits. Hang tough, $6.00 coming quick/four year goal $24.00. Not to bad! Hammer the shorters!