RE: AN EXPLANATION BY KELSOCEOThanks for the update Steve....I needed the cool-aid big time. Hope everything went well in SoCal.... hopefully I will speak with you today or tomorrow. By the way to the rest of the posters.... none of the selling the past few days has been me or my friends. Isn't it interesting though how low we are.... I certainly didn't think we would see sub .15's. If I was a brand new guy to this stock, I would tell you that you are getting a real, real bargain. I bought when it was smoke and mirrors, held through corruption and crap, false statements and self serving promotion (all pre-steve) and NOW we have an agreement with a real company and as it seems a REAL future.... and you can buy in lower than I did over 12 years ago... doesn't seem right does it. Well, a fool and his money right.