RE: Ministry of M&E web page... attn. SLKThis is my take on what you found.
LEGISLATORIAL Activity Ministry mining plus energetics had during 2004.godine intensely crankshaft over dish reform regulations : • Manufactured had bill on energetics , that had Country congregation RS to adopt 23.jula 2004.godine • Manufactured had blueprint Strategy development energetics Republic Serbia until 2015.godine that had to adopt Administration plus too far Country congregation over bringing • Executed are amendments plus amendments Prescript on cost derivative oil • FROM collaboration down confederate organplayer are bring Decree on technical plus another claim after besmearing , furnace nutter plus congenial producing , as well as Decree on technical plus another claim after current combustible oil extraction Current had action over etch consecutive lawful plus sublegal akata : • Act on cevovodnom transportation current plus gasovitih ugljovodonika • Act on geology research • Amendments plus amendments Act on mining • Sublegal record that proizilaze forth Act on energetics : on Prescript on the terms after istisnuti electric energies plus dimension in the case being endangered istisnuti on Prescript on the terms after istisnuti truly gasa plus dimension in the case being endangered istisnuti on Prescript on hither the terms after acquisition status povlašæenog maker electric energies plus criterion after estimation abundance noiseless conditional on Decree on endorsement energetically favor after erection energetically objection on Decree on kondicional endorsement plus caption license , as well as on kondicional conduct Registry betray plus bereave license on Decree on the terms as to sturuènog regular forces , as well as on scheme plus kondicional deposit adeptly checked after pogled which rade over conservation plus management from facilities after transportation plus distribution truly gasa on Decree on the terms plus kondicional obezbeðenja , tracking plus restitution operationally unapproachable derivative oil on Decree on finish plus capacity identification elektroenergetskog plus inspectorate equipment below pressing