Look what Nortel's got!I wonder where ONE is going now? Certainly not far in North America!
NEWS RELEASE TRANSMITTED BY CCNMATTHEWSNortelApril 19, 2005 - 04:00:31 ETNortel Delivers 'Office Anywhere' Mobility Solutions; Customers, EnhancedSolutions Drive Nortel's Mobility MomentumSANTA CLARA, Calif.--(CCNMatthews - Apr 19, 2005) -Nortel (NYSE:NT) (TSX:NT) today announced enhancements to its mobilitysolutions designed to accelerate the Company's leadership in mobilecommunications. With new applications and solutions, Nortel makes it possiblefor workers to take their 'Office Anywhere' through reliable, secure mobileaccess to business applications wherever they are. Nortel's Office Anywhere mobility solutions build on the strong foundation ofthe Virtual Enterprise, designed to allow dispersed employees to collaborateas effectively as though they were in the same office, regardless of physicallocation. The solutions further the graceful mobility evolution demonstratedby recent mobility announcements with Research In Motion and on the company'sbroadened wireless local area networking (WLAN) 2300 portfolio for enterprisesof all sizes. Office Anywhere solutions are planned to deliver secure remoteaccess, unified communications and collaborative applications across indoorand outdoor WLANs, cellular networks and wired networks to allow workers toincrease their productivity whether at home, on the road, or roaming around abusiness campus. Industry-leading mobile communications enabler Research In Motion (RIM)(Nasdaq:RIMM) (TSX:RIM) has teamed with Nortel to deliver enterprisesolutions. Systems integrators including Computer Science Corporation (CSC)are using Nortel's mobility solutions to provide new services to customers,while leading companies including arvato systems, Goldsmith Agio Helms, Salinsdu Midi, VeriSign, and Rusk County, Wisconsin, are already embracing Nortel's'Office Anywhere' approach. Nortel has been positioned in the 'leader quadrant' in the UnifiedCommunications Magic Quadrant(a), based on Nortel's vision and ability toexecute on the vision. Published by research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc.,vendors listed in the leader quadrant are performing well today, have a clearvision of market direction and are actively building competencies to sustaintheir leadership position in the market. "It's essential for companies to provide employees with the tools necessary tomeasure and manage their time as well as their communications," said SteveBlood, research vice president, Gartner. "Accessing business applications inreal time is just as important for mobile workers." Nortel has introduced the following new platform capabilities that deliverunified communications to mobile workers, helping enterprises realize thebenefits of an efficient, globally-dispersed workforce:-- Multimedia Communications Server (MCS) 5100 Release 3.5 delivers voice,call management and instant messaging to a mobile workforce. The MCSBlackBerry device soft client enables a BlackBerry device user to communicateor to respond to voice calls using instant messaging. In addition, the clientenables mobile users to see the status of their instant messaging contactlist.-- CallPilot Unified Messaging Release 4.0 delivers enhanced e-mailcapabilities, allowing voice messages to be embedded within e-mail, andreal-time message notifications to mobile workers via their BlackBerry deviceor handheld.-- Nortel's SSL VPN (Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network) Net Directcapability provides mobile workers full network access to internal businessapplications and services, including IP (Internet Protocol) telephony andmultimedia, from SSL-enabled Web devices like computers, cell phones and PDAs.Nortel's SSL VPN also provides secure access to partners and customers withouthaving to deploy and support traditional VPN access, requiring specificclients, devices, locations and designated networks.Companies interested in experiencing Nortel's "Office Anywhere" solutions cantake part in the MCS 5100 Hosted Evaluation Program, which provides a free60-day MCS trial. The evaluation allows customers to test-drive the powerfulcollaboration and multimedia capabilities that enable employees to communicatevia the most effective means available, regardless of where they are or howthey communicate. Companies interested in participating should visit:www.nortel.com/promotions/mcs_eval/index.html. "We share Nortel's vision of delivering the means for employees to be moreproductive and companies to be more competitive by enabling employees toaccess wireless enterprise applications that enhance personal andorganizational workflow," said Mark Guibert, vice president, CorporateMarketing, Research In Motion. "Our relationship with Nortel is focused onenabling mobility in the enterprise and providing employees with a means ofbusiness communications that gives them freedom from their desks." "Nortel's mobility solutions enable the enterprise to operate efficientlyoutside of physical boundaries and are designed to ensure both telecommutersand road warriors have the same level of access and mobility they would in anoffice environment," said Malcolm Collins, president, Enterprise Networks,Nortel. "Nortel is enhancing the human condition by continuing to drive thedevelopment of applications on business devices to facilitate the 'OfficeAnywhere' concept. Enterprises are taking advantage of Nortel's uniquemobility solutions, which is a testament to our commitment to enablingcommunications anytime, anywhere." Customers are driving increased productivity through Nortel's mobilitysolutions. VeriSign operates secure, intelligent infrastructure services for the Internetand telecommunications networks and maintains the Internet directory for all.com and .net top-level domains. The company uses the Session InitiationProtocol (SIP) and mobility capabilities of Nortel's MCS 5100 to provideemployees with a single phone number that works in the office, on the road andin other regions and countries, affording seamless availability. "VeriSign is known for providing reliable, secure services with highavailability," said Ken Silva, chief security officer, VeriSign. "We need toensure that our customers are constantly able to communicate with us, nomatter where their primary representative is located." Goldsmith Agio Helms, a private investment banking firm, relies on the abilityof its investment bankers to communicate seamlessly with clients, prospects,and among themselves while continuously on the move. "It isn't practical to expect our people to be able to provide the meaningfuland comprehensive level of service our clients expect if they are only able towork at their desks," said Christopher T. Ferski, director, InformationTechnology, Goldsmith Agio Helms. "Our people travel extensively, and based onour research and selection process, we found there was no other mobilesolution that met or exceeded our requirements like the Nortel solution does.Using the mobility solutions from Nortel, our clients will be able to reachour people when needed, regardless of where they might be and what otheractivities in which they may be engaged." Salins du Midi, one of Europe's major salt producing companies, recentlydeployed a mobility solution from Nortel to broaden remote access to itsnetwork and allow employees to communicate with high security and reliabilityin real time, regardless of location. Using Nortel's MCS 5100, the new Salinsdu Midi network provides highly secure and reliable access to voice, video andmultimedia applications anywhere, anytime for enhanced productivity,collaboration and mobility. Rusk County, Wisc., through a grant from the United States Department ofAgriculture, is piloting Nortel's MCS 5100 and SIP protocol structure with thegoal of addressing rural telemedicine. "Rural hospitals and health services inremote areas experience difficulties in providing the same level of healthcare as those located in major metropolitan areas," said Shirley Van Dam,director, Home Healthcare Services, Rusk County, Wisc. "The focus is todemonstrate that virtual nursing, on-site instrumentation and measurements,rapid multimedia communications, timely information, human resource sharingand reliable feedback to all participants can radically improve homehealthcare medical applications, even in a remote, resource-limited ruralenvironment like ours." Computer Sciences Corporation has teamed with Nortel to deliver XtendedOffice, a secure mobility solution. "Nortel's vision of mobility is wideranging and allows for people to work efficiently almost anytime andanywhere," said Steve Langford, director, Global Network Service Offerings,CSC. "At CSC we have worked in partnership with Nortel to deliver theXtendedOffice, a focused mobility solution for Enterprises, providing secureremote access for employees based upon Nortel Secure VPN products supportingIP Telephony and Unified Messaging. XtendedOffice is a part of CSC'scollaborative enterprise mobility suite and we expect to continue working withNortel to introduce new service offerings in the areas of MultimediaCollaboration and Fixed Mobile convergence." Nortel makes its 'Office Anywhere' easy to implement with services offered bychannel partners and Nortel Global Professional Services including:-- Market Characterization - Nortel and partners evaluate the added servicesand benefits of teleworking in the dynamic environment particular to acustomer's industry, including identifying new paths to profitability andmarket differentiation that teleworking may offer.-- Network Assessment - evaluation of network capabilities and operationalresources for remote access.-- Network and Operations Cost Modeling - Nortel projects expenditures basedon the company's specific architectures and processes.Nortel solutions help make telecommuting a seamless and affordable alternativefor workers, helping to ease the world's dependence on oil. By 2020, theworld's oil reserves are expected to be reduced by 50 percent. If just 175cars are taken off the road each day, a company with 1,000 employees can save44,000 gallons of gasoline annually and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 420metric tons per year.About NortelNortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities thatenhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure andprotect the world's most critical information. Serving both service providerand enterprise customers, Nortel delivers innovative technology solutionsencompassing end-to-end broadband, Voice over IP, multimedia services andapplications, and wireless broadband designed to help people solve the world'sgreatest challenges. Nortel does business in more than 150 countries. For moreinformation, visit Nortel on the Web at www.nortel.com. For the latest Nortelnews, visit www.nortel.com/news.Certain information included in this press release is forward-looking and issubject to important risks and uncertainties. The results or events predictedin these statements may differ materially from actual results or events. Factors which could cause results or events to differ from currentexpectations include, among other things: the outcome of regulatory andcriminal investigations and civil litigation actions related to Nortel'srestatements and the impact any resulting legal judgments, settlements,penalties and expenses could have on Nortel's results of operations, financialcondition and liquidity; the findings of Nortel's independent review andimplementation of recommended remedial measures; the outcome of theindependent review with respect to revenues for specific identifiedtransactions, which review will have a particular emphasis on the underlyingconduct that led to the initial recognition of these revenues; the restatementor revisions of Nortel's previously announced or filed financial results andresulting negative publicity; the existence of material weaknesses in Nortel'sinternal controls over financial reporting; the impact of Nortel's and NNL'sfailure to timely file their financial statements and related periodicreports, including breach of its support facility and public debt obligationsand Nortel's inability to access its shelf registration statement filed withthe United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"); ongoing SECreviews, which may result in changes to our public filings; the potentialdelisting or suspension of Nortel's and NNL's publicly traded securities; theimpact of management changes, including the termination for cause of Nortel'sformer CEO, CFO and Controller in April 2004; the sufficiency of Nortel'srestructuring activities, including the work plan announced on August 19, 2004as updated on September 30, 2004, including the potential for higher actualcosts to be incurred in connection with restructuring actions compared to theestimated costs of such actions; cautious or reduced spending by Nortel's customers; fluctuations in Nortel'soperating results and general industry, economic and market conditions andgrowth rates; fluctuations in Nortel's cash flow, level of outstanding debtand current debt ratings; Nortel's ability to recruit and retain qualifiedemployees; the use of cash collateral to support Nortel's normal coursebusiness activities; the dependence on Nortel's subsidiaries for funding; theimpact of Nortel's defined benefit plans and deferred tax assets on results ofoperations and Nortel's cash flow; the adverse resolution of class actions,litigation in the ordinary course of business, intellectual property disputesand similar matters; Nortel's dependence on new product development and itsability to predict market demand for particular products; Nortel's ability tointegrate the operations and technologies of acquired businesses in aneffective manner; the impact of rapid technological and market change; theimpact of price and product competition; barriers to international growth andglobal economic conditions, particularly in emerging markets and includinginterest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations; the impact ofrationalization and consolidation in the telecommunications industry; changesin regulation of the Internet; the impact of the credit risks of Nortel'scustomers and the impact of customer financing and commitments; stock marketvolatility generally and as a result of acceleration of the settlement date orearly settlement, which is currently not available, of Nortel's forwardpurchase contracts; the impact of Nortel's supply and outsourcing contractsthat contain delivery and installation provisions, which, if not met, couldresult in the payment of substantial penalties or liquidated damages; and thefuture success of Nortel's strategic alliances. For additional information with respect to certain of these and other factors,see the most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form10-Q filed by Nortel with the SEC. Unless otherwise required by applicablesecurities laws, Nortel disclaims any intention or obligation to update orrevise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information,future events or otherwise.Nortel, the Nortel logo, the Globemark and CallPilot are trademarks of NortelNetworks. The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbolsare the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited.(a) Nortel's Magic Quadrant leadership is in the report, Magic Quadrant forUnified Communications, 2005, by Steve Blood, issued February, 14, 2005. TheMagic Quadrant is copyrighted Feb. 14, 2005 by Gartner, Inc. and is reusedwith permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical representation of amarketplace at and for a specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysisof how certain vendors measure against criteria for that marketplace, asdefined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or servicedepicted in the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to selectonly those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant. The Magic Quadrant isintended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to be a specific guide toaction. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect tothis research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for aparticular purpose.Use of the terms "partner" and "partnership" does not imply a legalpartnership between Nortel and any other party.
For further information PLEASE CONTACT:
Nortel Pat Cooper, 425-450-7523 email: pat.cooper@nortel.com Angelikawonder