National Brownfield SummitSonic Environmental Solutions Inc is proud to be an official sponsor of the inaugural Canadian chapter of the National Brownfield Association. As an environmental service provider, we are playing a key role revitalizing Canada’s brownfield sites contaminated with PCB using our sonic technology. We look forward to supporting the new Ontario-based chapter and will be attending the International Brownfield Summit to be held in Niagara Falls, ON at the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort on June 2nd and 3rd.
Please visit Sonic during the exhibition times to hear more about our on-site, non-thermal PCB treatment solution to remediate a brownfield site near you. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to contact Sonic in advance of the Summit in order to prearrange a meeting with our executives Adam Sumel, President and CEO, and Paul Austin, VP Marketing.
Sonic looks forward to joining our colleagues from industry and academia, as well as some prominent political leaders including Mayors Ted Salci (City of Niagara Falls, ON) and Vincenzo V. Anello (City of Niagara Falls, NY), Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY) and Premier Dalton McGuinty (ON) at the Niagara Summit.
For more information on the Summit, please visit
For more information on Sonic, please visit us at: and to confirm a meeting with Sonic at the Summit, please contact me at the numbers/email below.
Laura Byspalko
Public Relations
Sonic Environmental Solutions Inc.
(TSX Venture Exchange: SNV)
#2100 - 1066 W Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2
Tel: (604) 736 2552 ext. 104
Fax: (604) 736 2558
Direct Line: (604) 408 3023