I am buying another 100k shares here thru Nesbitt, I believe this volume is indicative of the bottom and I believe we'll see the financing completion announcement shortly.
I believe strongly that we are the subject of a textbook hedgefund manipulation. The selling thru anonymous is simply their attempt to get the issue price set at a low level so their shorts are covered properly.
I think we should all encourage management to investigate this conduct with the OSC because I believe these sales are non-disclosed short sales.
ALL OF YOU should call your brokers now and instruct them to ensure that your PLI stock is NOT available for lending. These shorters are relying on all of our respective stock to cover these short sales until they cover at the secondary offering.
I sincerely hope that the underwriting group is able to identify who exactly is responsible for this conduct that ensure that they get ZERO stock in this offering. Wouldnt it be nice to see them scrambling in the open market to cover !