He does stimulate the board!Well one thing for sure Almaden does stimulate conversation. 01Com probably doesn't want to comment on stupid statements. As I said previously, I have Almaden on ignore so I can't see or read his comments and the board looks much better that way.
As for Almaden being a past 01 Employee, maybe 01Com took his job, obviously it would be an easy thing to have done...lol
I do find it amazing that Almaden would know so much about the patent when the details have not been released yet....humm Hopefully when he reads this he might understand that he does not have the respect of the board who are actual investors and he will discontinue his negative comments. Note: I didn't say, go away just stop the trashing... earn our respect.
Infringement based on modification is when someone copies something and then tries to slightly alter it as to get around a patent, legal name, etc. It is then up to the courts to determine the intent.
01's technology has been about for a long time in terms of remote messaging and the peer to peer routing. That is why the applied for and were granted the patent. That is also why they will be successful in pursuing any infringements.
Just my humble second opinion of the day!!