myNEXTmillion re: guido sarducciI wouldn't normally respond to this clown, except for the fact that now you seem to be giving him some credibility.
But every point he has mentioned has been discussed here before, so anyone (including Guido) can go back and check if they really want to perform their dd. (see posts by metaldog, collusioncors and others)
As far as insider trading goes, he is spreading complete lies, as Opara has more shares now than before the alleged "sales".
Regarding the only other insider seller, if you actually look at the results (he's been selling for a year) and compare it to the chart,
I can only ask: Is this someone you want to follow?
Regarding this so called "huge bog", are we supposed to believe that they managed to drag drills in there in the 1940's, but can't figure out how to get any ore out 60 years later?
Also, is mineralisation starting from surface now considered "serious depth"?
Tip for next time: Bash AFTER you sell all your shares.