RE: Big Deal
From the scuttlebut that I have heard, the board "retreat" was very very encouraging. Sounds like the new board and management team are taking a very proactive role in corporate governance, financial planning and business unit strategy. This is LONG overdue.
Its been painfully obvious for a couple of years that the company is stretched much too far... they simply have too much on the go with too little capital. The result is they havent done anyone thing particularly well... including creating shareholder value for the few things that they have done extremely well.
Its a bit of a shame that the initial news release was so vague. While I think we all appreciate the update on the MVS and the fact that PRDT/MACOPHARMA endogenous study is still looking good, I dont feel as if we learned alot more than that. We certainly didnt learn anything about the "Boards Plan to maximize shareholder value"
I sincerely hope that there's more significant stuff forthcoming, I suspect there is.... In general, I really like the fact that the board is getting more involved and specifically there seems to be a true realization that things need to change...and change quickly.
I believe we just took a very positive step in that direction despite the fact that the News Release really didnt convey that.