RE: barcodewhiz
I frankly was surprised that Pierre stated the Cash and equivalents as $14mm cuz it seemed high to me too. I hope and doubt that he would be using a June 30 /05 number on November 9th / 05 but I guess anything is possible. Perhaps they have done $5mm in Bio Separation biz in the last six months.... He did say that the Bio-sep business was "ramping" as many existing clients moved products from Phase one... to Phase II , III and commercialization.
I sincerely hope the company can expand on this and give us some detail of specific progress in subsequent updates ( NICOLE !!! )
If we were to get some specific confidence of the impact of these clients moving products thru these phases and the resulting impact on resin demand and $$.... then perhaps investors would PAY MORE for the other deals in the pipeline.
Its my contention that any cash concerns will be alleviated on Monday..... I think something significant is coming in the form of a JV or disposition. All internal sources seem to downplay the need-for-cash issue.... there has to be something behind this..