Applicable to GEM - reposted with permissionCOMPLETE WEBSITE RE-DESIGN
I have spent the past month redesigning my website which will now include two new sections which we expect should prove very useful to micro/small cap investors.
The site still contains the Virtual Fund (portfolio of 25 stocks submitted by members of this group and expected to exhibit strong gains), StreetSignal (updates throughout the day on news and issues affecting micro cap investors), and also a much more extensive education section which I will update on a regular basis. The links section has also been expanded to include some of the better financial and research sites we could find along with all the regulatory agencies and stock exchanges.
We just put this online a few days ago and I expect it to prove extremely popular. The source for this information is a North American group of powerful and influential investors. We have known them for a long time and they have agreed to share some of their insight with us through this new section of the website. Every day thousands of investors post information freely across the newsgroups and chatrooms. In this case, rather than this high quality information being lost in that format, we are providing them with a canvas from which they can create their own reputations.
I have given them free reign to post what they like as often as they like (hopefully daily) so long as it does not cross over any fine lines. However, given the amount and nature of information posted daily to hundreds of financial sites across the Internet, we feel that we have just as much right as anyone else to share this information. It is our philosophy that the retail investor is just as much entitled to access quality information as the professionals are, and it is through STalkTalk that we are attempting to level that playing field.
After (BII:TSE) ran to $30 this year from the low dollar range, I heard so many people and promoters trying to take credit for that, it was ridiculous. This was the only group I ever personally saw who would email me on a regular basis as to where the stock was going next. Unfortunately though, once it reached the $5 mark, I sat on the sidelines and watched in amazement for months as their targets were continually hit. Had we followed that information to the letter, many people within our group would have made an enormous amount of money. Unfortunately though we missed it, but in the process I developed a tremendous amount of trust in this group (and one individual in particular who will collect the information for us and present it to "Inside Bay Street".
The emphasis in this section will actually be on Nasdaq companies and other Canadian stocks with very strong potential and liquidity. As a measure of their connections within the industry, take a look at the volume on GEM:TSE Friday. This was no coincidence (as was evidenced by my email to everyone on Thursday and earlier in the week). Through Inside Bay Street, we will gain access to a portion of this high powered world of finance and professional speculation.
The first update went online the 9th and we should see something on a daily basis (if and when they have time). As I do not know the frequency of posts, this information will not be emailed. I will post it in their new section on the site and you can access it at your leisure. Over the next few weeks we'll be able to gauge how often and when information is presented. No doubt it will also depend on current market conditions but I think everyone will be extremely pleased with the quality of what they follow and the fact we now have a bit more diversification into U.S. equities.
Other than newsletters and your typical methods of finding good quality micro cap companies, I have found over the years that it is extremely difficult for many even knowing where to begin. With thousands of companies out there, half the battle is just getting started and trying to filter the good from the bad. What can be even more frustrating at times, is to hear that there is a hot sector in the market (ie: the Internet rally this spring) but a person doesn't know what companies are involved. Often by the time you hear or read about them, the stocks have already started to move substantially.
I have designed Investor Expo around the concept of a virtual trade show broken down according to the indexes used by the stock exchanges (ie: technology, financials, energy, etc.). In an effort to minimize risks and try to initially filter through some of the better companies, I have established criteria to being listed. Amongst other criteria, companies must meet minimum revenue and profitability requirements, or be expected to exhibit very strong growth within the year. Criteria are included at the site and no fees are charged for companies to be included - to keep it unbiased.
Although they will be listed once criteria are met, this does not necessarily mean they are a good buy. A person still needs to do their own fundamental and technical analysis. This is merely designed to help create a starting point for research and try to narrow down the field of prospects.
I currently only have about 70 companies listed but am sitting on more than 100 that have to go in. Time consuming but hopefully I'll have them all in by next week. Every day I monitor all the news releases issued in Canada looking for new micro cap companies (for our purposes they must have a market cap. under $100 million) that meet the criteria. Once they are located I will include them at Investor Expo. In time, I will try to include OTC or Nasdaq companies as well. Preliminary focus is on Canadian exchanges however.
The entire process serves a dual purpose. It allows me to monitor companies on a regular basis that may be very undervalued and are worth looking at as a group, plus it allows me to compile a large database (expo) of higher quality micro cap companies. When anyone is looking to invest some money and would like a starting point, this section should help provide an additional research tool.
Within the section, I have listed the company name, current trading price, a brief description, and a direct link to their website along with a current quote and chart.
The site will remain under development this month and I'll continue to add new companies on a daily basis.