RE: NewsHey people don't get excited just because they put casing in.Casing is put in
to keep your hole from collapsing in , they remove drill pipe and put casing
pipe in the hole, each length has a spacer on the out side of the pipe to keep
it centered then they pour concrete down the hole ,then they drill again same
process again casing pipe and concrete again . this also creates a seal .Its
no big deal . This management team are a bunch of F ups they knew they
were going to run out of money in the summer and were was Chew boy I
heard he was on vacation in europe instead of being here raising money ,
now they try to get everybody to focus on trutch . they don't have the decency
to put out some a news release instead they email someone a corporate
update Big deal ,they can't even raise money, investors faith is gone and thats
bad .Maybe they 'll invite all the share holders to their christmas party but eat
before you go .I think the buffet table will be empty I hope i get the chance to
meet them i'm an in your face type of guy especially when yor getting
screwed. there I've vented, now now i can go to sleep this yoga sh*t really