Taseko's Advice not so goodA few weeks ago when the share price was in the $1.10 range I phoned the corporate finance manager at head office to ask about the upcoming financials and if it was going to be another strong quarter like the last for earnings. He said that it was not going to be as good because in the previous quarter they sold all of their inventory in the last quarter. I then asked if i should buy a large block ( 100,000 ) of shares at the $1.10 level to average down, my average cost is $2.35 and he was very skeptical and said I should not. I then told him that the share price very low because of one reason only, which as you all know is because all the insiders and their families and freinds have blown off all their cheap paper at any sign of a rally. He said he could not deny that but said there was not much cheap paper left to which my response was, well DUHH, you guys have sold it all. You should be bloody ashamed of yourselves. Do I sould bitter, you bet, but as this rally fizzles as Haywood keeps blowing of paper, their will be buying opportunities at lower prices.