Post by
mattbigham on Apr 11, 2011 11:58am
Netolitzky knows the area as good as any geo.,having been credited with the development of Snip.
He has over 30 years experience in mining exploration and has knowledge in aggressive business.
Mr. Netolitzky has extensive global acquisition, exploration and minedevelopment experience achieving success in Canada with the developmentof three major gold discoveries into successfully producing mines: EskayCreek, Snip and Brewery Creek.
Comment by
agmetalhead on Apr 11, 2011 12:37pm
If he (Netolitzky) is so good why are we still sitting under .40 in a bull market in gold? Could the over supply and lack of demand of shares have something to do with it? Banner ads work if you wont do anything else to promote the company stock.