At one point, G&G was pointing out something in regards to the Sulphur content of RB and what a concern it was and the lousy iron ore that you would get from this. You know one of his so called "know it all" posts. Here is a little section from the latest Techincal Report if anyone had any concerns about the Sulphur content at RB. Oh and by the way, I would like to point out one word
WRONG Five (5) composite samples (100 kg ore; bullet 1 above; with ore cut-off grade of 25%Fe) were sent to the
Changsha Research Institute of Mines and Metallurgy (CRIMM, China) in order to qualify the responses of
the Roche Bay Iron Project ores to the crushing, grinding, magnetic separation (dry and wet) and sulphide
flotation processes. The development of the optimal process flowsheet was required. The results of the
CRIMM tests confirmed the previous test results developed by SGS, COREM and SGA for the obtaining of
an iron concentrate with a minimum 65% Fe, maximum 5% SiO2, maximum 0.05% S and -0.03 mm size.
The ore processing flowsheet proposal is in accordance with the process flowsheet selected by AEI and
Wardrop and will be outlined in detailed in the FS to be published in 2012.
13.3.1 Conclusions (Metallurgical Tests)
The test results obtained by all laboratories mentioned above revealed the following aspects:
1. From the Roche Bay Iron Project magnetite ores, an iron concentrate 65% to 68% Fe, maximum 5% SiO2,maximum 0.07% S and maximum 0.05% P can be profitable obtained by wet magnetic separation andsulphide flotation.
2. The hardness of the Roche Bay Iron Project ores is relatively low (Bond Work Index 9 to 11 kWh/t) and,
consequently, the comminution processes (crushing and grinding) are characterized by relatively low
energy consumption.
3. The high dissemination of the magnetite and aimed concentrate chemistry requires a fine grinding size, of 0.03 to 0.035 mm (P80) or 400 to 440 mesh.
4.This fine final product, based on its chemistry and size, is an excellent iron concentrate for pelletizing
5. The concentration process is characterized by a high efficiency (weight and iron recoveries).
6. The weight and iron recoveries are 27% to 41% and 66% to 82%, respectively, in function of the ore iron
grade level.