1) MARKETING - ALEAFIA to invest in all social media platforms minimum investment 25k a month ..People have to know who SYMBL and EMBLEM are !!
2) FINANCING - ALEAFIA to secure 40 million revolving line of credit with options to increase in future .
3) INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS - ALEAFIA to have monthly webcast with institional investors like Raymond James , Jefferies etc .
4) INVESTOR RELATION - Every 2 weeks (Monday ) Aleafia will give updates to shareholders regarding medical clients count , international partner update (Acnos cannpacific etc ) Any licensing update (GMP/HC)
SALES , (not specific but general idea) Transparency super important for investors to gain trust and invest !
5 ) Canadian Market Development - Aleafia sells in Ontario, Alberta and BC .. Aleafia should apply to all the provinces which are not part of existing distribution ) SQDC being the big one .. The process take 90 days on average so perfect timing with more than 50 million grams ready to go and Paris fully ready!
6) US MARKET - ALEAFIA should start the search for partners In the existing distribution channel in the USA . Possibly partner with someone on the medical side (J&J)
7) CAPEX - ALEAFIA is 100 percent finished all its infrastructure. No more than 3 million in each quarter be should allocated ..
Aleafia has a tremendous amount of catalyst to increase
stock price to minimum $ 2.00 by March 30, 2020 .
Earning Q4, BMO FINANCE , Debentiure Paid , Australia licence , GMP Paris , HC distribution Center Vaughan , rollout of edibles (Kinslips , candies etc ) Their is no reason why Aleafia stock should be under $2.00 ..
ALEAFIA makes promise to investors not to dillute stock by issuing more shares or warrants . Complete transparency with investors , Promoting themselves as a leader in Cannabis industry (profitability and Quality )