Post by
Scumraiff on Nov 25, 2020 12:34pm
Becareful what backstabbing Snakecuffraif has to say
Lots of talk he played a role shorting this stock. News travels fast. Lots of angry people talking. The street never lies. Snakecuffraif is slippery. Watch your back.
Comment by
Scuffraif on Nov 25, 2020 1:05pm
So are you saying "The street never lies" equals the Alef sp?
Comment by
Toweringmars on Nov 25, 2020 1:57pm
Scuffy, wtf man. If you're going to be sassy like that then you can keep your free beer. Matter of fact, I don't even think we can be friends anymore if you're going to be like this. Sue me.