Post by
tovier on May 11, 2021 12:53pm
This is what is overlooked..Management pay!
Looks like this is where the company is bleeding money. The payscale is too high for such a poor performing team. Benic is making 1 Million per year..Keith White is making 1.6...That is just 2 emplyees. For a company that made under 50 million a year in revenue it is a shame that they are allowed to take 5% of that..If we add the rest of the staff I could only imagine how much the percenntage is. This stock is looking more and more like a pyramid scheme! Management does not care about the stock price because they are still making their money!
Comment by
Larbro on May 11, 2021 12:57pm
Management pay? Thinking that this leadership/management team should not be getting any compensation. I guess anyone can be a board member qualifications required.
Comment by
tovier on May 11, 2021 1:16pm
I never siad to not give them comepensation. Just give them less!
Comment by
stocktracker101 on May 11, 2021 12:58pm
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Comment by
Larbro on May 11, 2021 12:58pm
Unbelievable! I guess incompetence does pay...thanks to Aleaf! Bravo!!!!
Comment by
sthinei on May 11, 2021 1:05pm
That is brutal. You can see why peoplet hate some of these executive office pricks. Theyou will do what they can to keep at the trough and am sure they will also like a nice payout if aleafia acquired.