Post by
goldopportunity on Sep 22, 2017 6:42pm
Alxdf closed at usd .0493 = cdn .0607 (boc 1.2317 close)
Very tight trading range today with only 5K changing hands . But there's more going on than the small volume would suggest....much more. Here's how I see it.
Any legitimate selling is now being done at higher prices. The mm idiots are still low-balling the bids. But here's where the idiots are exposing their achille's heel. Their bid size #s continue to remain decent, and the actual bids are still exceptionally narrow. So in essence you have a high number of bids in a very, very tight range. That tells me the mm idiots are screaming that they really want your shares, but it absolutely pains them to jack their bids higher (so far). And I suspect the idiots are intently frustrated that the longs are equally determined to not budge on their ever-widening bids with low #s. And that's what happens when the longs dig in their heels and stand their ground.
1. on alxdf, we have concentrated high demand and sparse supply
2. azx is finally starting to catch some serious bids #s
3. adds up to a perfect environment for a rising sp very shortly
Have a good weekend, folks. Continue to stand your ground. Jmvho.
Comment by
goldopportunity on Sep 22, 2017 6:49pm
Oops.....typo! ever-widening bids = ever-widening ASKS Sorry about that. goldopp