Share count or Buyl Out ?
If you think share count does not matter then you are in the buyout camp, if you are in the funding for 2018 exploration camp then think again !
With a 480 million share count and a .08 share price then look for a hair cut on new funding,, funding in a bad markets is not a good place to be when it (market) smells "blood in the water".
There could be a low ball offer they are looking at or a expensive hair cut and rollback when it comes to funding 2018 exploration.
Eric Owens has put AZX between a rock and a hard place for his 8 years of bad management, now the wolves see “discord on the board”,, they will take advantage of this discord,,, us small investors will get the shaft,, skin and bones thats left on any outcome. IMO
Eric Owens should not have been able to go on and destroy AZX as a CEO ! IMO (480m S out @ 0.08 and need another $15m for 2018 exploration)