Post by
krrsupporter on Dec 02, 2021 2:43pm
OSC cancel of uptick rule killing small cap miners?
Sprott and other heavy weitght are trying to get the OSC to re-instate the uptick rule for shorters such that one cannot continually short a stock without an uptick in the price first. As has happened with many small explorers I suspect that naked shorters (illegally selling stock they do not own or even borrow) sell these imaginary shares until the company no longer exists, then they keep millions in profit because they never have to make good on all those imaginary shares that they sold. I have bot several hundred thousand of HUD shares as it fell. I dont know what is happening (perhaps they are being traded on a different exchange that does not show on my scotia itrade acct., but when my order is filled...there still is the same amount of stocks being offered and no indication of my number of shares being added to the total traded. I agree that HUD should be a $5 stock, but it seems to be (perhaps illegally but for great profit) manipulated.
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brazil2 on Dec 02, 2021 4:30pm
it's not an easy task holding this thing at this moment
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brazil2 on Dec 02, 2021 4:44pm
it looks more like trading games then anything else, I want to see where this will be in 3 months, I know I am holding this till it's grave if it will come to that, or my grave because of holding this.
Comment by
Maxmoe on Dec 03, 2021 10:21am
Isn't there a krypto, block chain, lithium, Covid cure stock this could rto into?
Comment by
rkelly5 on Dec 03, 2021 6:10pm
I have already lost about 28 cents U.S , whats another couple cents , ride this horse to the bank or glue factory