Comment by
brazil2 on Aug 22, 2022 7:13am
I guess they had to sell the Sarfartoq REE, it goes for cheap but it will give options and time for the White mountain project to start making money well is there hope for this no one knows but it will not sink just yet!
Comment by
majortom75 on Aug 22, 2022 7:54am
Definitely not enough to buy back White Mountain, unfortunately.
Comment by
rkelly5 on Aug 22, 2022 9:13am
I suspect it is enough to pay some wages and accured debt , maybe we can get another 50k for the diamonds .
Comment by
rkelly5 on Aug 22, 2022 11:50am
brazil2 , you are on the mark . They got enough to pay their wages until they find another job , Greenland will get our part of White Mountan just like they did with True North Gems .