Post by
grandpa67 on Aug 17, 2019 11:47pm
moonlight1,riggedmrkt, Thank-you for your comments.I also would like to thank-you and all shareholders for contributing to the fight for justice.
I believe our complaints and inquiries has caused a detour in Mr.Alnaimi's original plans.
To moonlight1,your question regarding th August 21 deadline......
I received an email on August 15, 2019,from Mr.Eric Tadros (PWC),this is prior to the email I posted the other day.
He wrote..........
Hello .......
Please note that we are currently running the sales process and have extended the deadline for bidders to sbmit an offer until August 21st. Please note however that the process is being run as fairly as possible and we will only know the outcome once the deadline for bids had passed.
Please feel free to reach out if you need any additional information.
The last email from Mr.Tadros was posted the other day from me. (Aug.16,2019)
I believe that perhaps Mr.Alnaimi was hoping that no bidders would come forward for the original August 13th deadline, thus allowing him to be the only bidder. This is just my opinion, but I think maybe when other bidders came forward, Mr.Alnaimi then decided to delay the auction, just a theory.
Keep the faith and courage to stand up for what is right. We worked too hard for our money to turn a blind eye to corruption.