Post by
Dunworkin2 on Feb 28, 2021 9:15am
Cdn govt lobbyist
Excellent find and very encouraging that Larry and ARHT have hired a lobbyist to encourage the cdn govt to consider ARHT's technology as a way to facilitate the next best thing to in person meetings while saving tax dollars on travel, flights, hotels, meals, taxi, and other expenses.
I can only imagine that the govt spends billions annually on travel and meetings. Time saved and money saved by conducting ARHT meetings could be reinvested in other govt programs, or used to fund existing deficits.
Hope our MP's see the value here. Good luck Mary O'Keefe!
Comment by
Kingfredo on Feb 28, 2021 10:15am
And as our fearless leader, Ford would say..."support local!"...lets see if hes a man of his word since he's already pumping tim hortins on live tv