Post by
Marky1 on Feb 15, 2021 11:31am
100$ stock price
Changed my sell order to sell at 100$... good for 3 months.... This is at a MC of 4B$ USD....sound
familiar? That's what Haut sold his AskBio for, and I truly think that he could duplicate that deal!
exciting week coming our way! Dan is in the pilot seat and Joe Stauffer is the copilot ....sweet
Comment by
MrMugsy on Feb 15, 2021 11:40am
With full dilution of share Marky ... and a roll-in of the patents ... best consider a higher number of shares. Just to keep it simple, I'm using 60M shares going forward (for all my calculations).
Comment by
Marky1 on Feb 15, 2021 11:51am
Great point,,, but the 4B$ is USD.....So actually, the MC would be Over 5B$ CDN....I think that a fair stock count would be 50 M. up from its 38.6M as shown on TD Waterhouse page....So, the 2 numbers together give you 100$ a
Comment by
MrMugsy on Feb 15, 2021 11:56am
Good point on the USD amount. Now look on page 31 of the company presentation to calculate a fully diluted number. Then make sure you add a reasonable number for an AH roll-in (10-15 percent) is my guess. Now we're much closer to 60M shares. Don't forget future options, RSUs, etc ...
Comment by
Marky1 on Feb 15, 2021 12:57pm
So, if I plug in your 60,000,000 shares at a MarketCap of 5B$ CDN.....I now get 85$ ,....I'm thinking maybe Dr. Haut may negotiate at a higher price than 4B$ usd....much much more iMHO
Comment by
Marky1 on Feb 15, 2021 3:49pm
As you said, it leads you to 15% dilution......That brings the total stock count to roughly 44.5 M shares. How do you account for the other 15.5 M shares to get to 60M.....Please educate me
Comment by
MrMugsy on Feb 15, 2021 4:57pm
Marky - page 31 of the presentation will guide you. You have shares, you have options and RSUs, you have warrants. Then you have to think about other dilutions like future RSUs and options for the team. ----- Hope that helps
Comment by
crow27 on Feb 15, 2021 4:03pm
And If they took shares in ATE then the higher the share price of ATE then the less dilution. AH still gets the same dollar value but with less shares at a higher price. This is where the tires hit he pavement folks. ATE is going to be worth billions with a B. All these moving puzzle pieces are starting to come together.
Comment by
Marky1 on Feb 15, 2021 4:05pm
Love your optimism Crow....Of course, I totally agree!