Post by
geodcan on Apr 05, 2021 2:42pm
Well, this is a
cheap penny stock that just turfed the last shythead to the curb. Abenante stepped down and I guess we are in safer hands with appointed administrators. What is left of the company isn't real clear but it seems there are pieces that could bring value.
It is sad that this type of management fleecing of dollar value is so rampant on the junior exchanges. More reason to do a lot of due diligence on management and major players. Investors really need to push for better securities action to deal with this before these self-serving azzholes can fleece value out of juniors.
In the meantime, we are still a US listed company, presumably with honest people now dealing with daily affairs and the shareprice alone being in the pennies is attractive for a US greenrush lift across the boards which I anticipate with a "triggering event"!
Mad money can be very stupid money and that type of investors chase movement up to the point of frenzy. We can hope for that!
glta and dyodd
Comment by
GoldenArm on Apr 16, 2021 4:06pm
Yeah $50M just disappeared. Hard to say you didn't have anything to do with that when you are the CEO. My shares are worth less than a $1K CAD so I'll wait and see what happens next. Are they still growing stuff? Maybe they can pay us back in weed.