after reading the scotia analysts comments on pce.
pce is sitting at $2.75 you really think its going to be worth $5.50 per share ? how ? double your cash flow without adding debt ?
a couple questions,
how do you think your going to pay for the 9 million dollar break fee ? the severance paid to the management that nova will vote out ?
you have no credit, all your cashflow is going into 2013 capx which is 13 million 1q.
take the 9million out of your capx program leaving you with 4million to drill. lol. and no you couldnt even afford to get rid of your management, and what kind of management wants to come to a broke company ?
scotia even says 'looking at asset sales to focus on light oil' lol so you want to become your own spy ? with trying to sell dixionville and gas, that will cripple your cash flow after the sales and no one is going to pay anything for just property in dixonville or montney.
scotia says hoping for another incoming bidder. lol you have been on the block since august 2012 and other companiess know about the merger and know about this month, if they had any desire then they would have called you.