Post by
Rollercoasterblues on Mar 15, 2016 3:33pm
Canna-corn buying
This is a really good sign. They have participated over the past few years in buying blocks and usually on the up.......The fact that they are 'basing' at .50-.52 is a good sign since this is where they see the consolidation value at before the next uptick. I have seen interested parties at Cannacord over the years 'make' at stock based on known and perceived value......when they move, I usually move but I already remember making my move before when they were pushing the uptick between .28-.32 when everyone was blase on why BGM should be moving....its interesting that the public word about what is the next card that is going to be played by BGM is not out yet onto the regular stream of news but I have watched various houses 'act' like they know what they 'think' the next act is on BGM. Don't take my words to mean anything except my 'spidey-senses' are working overtime as I determine the next month or so of market play on this.......and I like what I am seeing!!