You made an incredibly important point here : "The GEA report will say to a potential partner, if you like what Isolexx & Vitalexx can do for your business then here is how you go about making it profitably."
CS may be a good guy, a good father, a good husband, a good CA but he is NOT a chemical engineer is a goi, a good fathe
For three years the engineers have told both CC and CS that the process will work and production will occur.
If the small amount of product (that is excellent by the way) that has been produced were to have been at a SMALL profit or even break even then you could extrapolate that with a scale up it COULD BE PROFITABLE
However, with the HUGE LOSS that BioExx has demonstrated in the past three years to make a small amount means that even with scale up it may be TOO EXPENSIVE to produce this wonderful product with the existing process.
BioExx is in no position to say to anyone (even with a + GEA report) "here is how you go about making it profitably".
They always spew lofty platitudes with always disappoint.
There will be one last disappointment by BioExx and then the Great Canola Protein Isolate science experiment will be passed on to someone else to successfully complete with a DIFFERENT PROCESS tha tis comercialy viable and profitable - something that BXI failed to do...sorry blew $ 100 million
It is OK now for the nice guy CS to get his $ 5,000 to-day. He earned it as a good saleman