The last poster mentioned that Bioexx had previously failed with the hexane solvent method
This must be corrected
Soy uses the toxic hexane method for soy protein extraction and the high heat also denatures it making it less bio available for nutrition
In 2009 June Bioex under CC sold the low tempo non toxic solvent called HFC-123 that is used in asthma inhalers and this solvent was at room temp and non toxic
2010 and 2011 was the failure years and in Nov 14 2011 it was abandoned for the present
non solvent aqueous plus enzyme method making the 10 million solvent equipment obsolete and auctioned off at 5 % in March 2012
In Canola protein can be extracted using only water why does the Soy industry not abandon their Hexane method and switch to water only
oil and water do not mix or are immiscible
Canola is an oilseed.
Soy is an oilseed and uses the hyrocarbobb Hexanee for extraction
If the water only ymethod really works at flange scale continuous then it would change the world
of oil seed protein extraction
why is the food industry not rushing to Bioexx from USA and Europe dragging their heels