Post by
himmler on Feb 13, 2017 8:06pm
I dont share the fear of Polygon selling.They stated themselves that selling was part of their investment startegy.Its not up to us to figure out what that was.If it was that dire they wouldnt be the only ones selling would they?
As for Trumps policy(ies). BKX is drilling the shale in the Caney which is squarely in the US.So we really wouldnt fall into anything worrisome.We area Canadian listed company with offices elsewhere too...especially in the US...non issue.
As for the US rig count..I feel thats merely journalistic hogwash.A few years ago nobody cared about US rig count ..thats a new term to try to justify the daily dribble from newsmen..or shall I say milleniums...or generation z's..they werent old enough 20 or 30 years I was.This is all old hat talk to me..I've seen and heard it all before...LOL..Jeff Rubin thought we had' peak oil' a few years the gasbag says we have too much..
Its not about supply and demand either....we always had enough oil.Its a wonderfull trading commodity..the best there is.If these analysts would only stop aping each other's news and do their own DD they would see that an argument can be made to support any theory about oil.American shale didnt change the world...the newsmen only think it has.The American ones especially.
Oil will go up..not because of supply and demand so much..but because as a commodity its a no brainer to make money with .Dont ever forget...there were 'analysts' that predicted 10bbl oil....
Where are they now???
Hold onto your BKX sell now would fall under the example of the imbeciles that stink up this BB with garbage only to vanish...
Comment by
pabaloo on Feb 16, 2017 8:49pm
Thanks Mr Know it All you idiot everyone knows your full of it, your calculations are screwed. Do you live in dream world? Like how do they drill 35 wells . They have enough money to drill exactly 2 and that's it. If they miss there toast and you can go find a job at Walmart where you belong. You based your napkin calculation on them drilling 35 wells lol what a dummy hahaha
Comment by
BrokerG on Feb 21, 2017 11:47am
Forget little Pablum we have other pressing issues what the heck is going on? Where are our institutional buyers? why is someone selling a week or two before results? Sorry but panic is setting in. My concern is we have good or even great results and nothing happens to share price
Comment by
himmler on Feb 21, 2017 3:54pm
Shouldnt look at this stock so closely Broker.Come back in a week or two.This type of trading makes little sense to me.So why worry?
Comment by
pabaloo on Feb 16, 2017 8:57pm
Oh and 1 more thing if they don't put out a news release soon the stock is going to continue to bleed what's going on? No news means something must be up i hope iit's not pumping water or there goes Mr Know it all calculations.
Comment by
himmler on Feb 16, 2017 9:37pm
I see school's out.Not going to enroll in nightschool boy?You should.Back in my day they called it remedial programs.Better go ask your big sis what that means.Hurry up boy..its almost bedtime lol.