Post by
Jsboutin on May 14, 2020 8:08am
From BAM's shareholders letter
Something interesting came up in BAM's shareholder letter this morning, clearly regarding BPY's (and possibly BBU's) lagging market price and their market purchases. Notably, this segment comes just before a section on Retail real estate.
"Furthermore, where these discounts persist, we will also always consider more meaningful changes to these entities in order to maximize value."
The conference call today should be interesting to BPY unitholders.
Comment by
shawshank2 on May 14, 2020 12:45pm
Yes i always wondered if bpy would just get sucked into the mothership think of all the money they would save and make. Problem is it may be a direct share exchange which i dont think the market would like
Comment by
shawshank2 on May 15, 2020 5:41pm
2:1 share exchange would be pretty awesome. They are bang on despite the stock market being fu cky the land they own is absolute best in the world. Glta def long this stock just waiting to further load up due to technicals right now
Comment by
BlueJay2020 on May 15, 2020 10:45pm
Having the BPY CEO there was designed to send a very clear message to the market that they remain fully committed to BPY. The dividend is safe, and very hard to see material downside (plus 25%) from here. I don't see any need for bringing BPY back in house until they have fimished their spending spree.
Comment by
SNAKEYBOY on May 16, 2020 9:21pm
Doesnt matter what BPY CEO does or the reputation of the private equity firm, the REIT asset class will sink or swim as a group. VIRUS + LOCKDOWNS = BAD. VACCINE = REOPENINGS = GOOD. CEO running his mouth can't change a fact