Management's credibility plays a significant role in doing a proper
DD. Visit the boards and read the posts of MPS, CYP, ABN & SYH and you will get
a good idea of how a number of members of BYV's management operate
in running junior companies. The ones who tell you that there is no correlation
and suggesting that my mere pointing out this important point is bashing, in my
humble opinion is misleading unsuspecting investors. I do believe a buyout from
RR is possible, BUT without a proper NI43-101 recource count we have no idea
what the real value of this company is. Jim Pettit promised us one a long time
ago in an interview and has yet delivered. IMHO until one is produced buying shares
of BYV is like going to the casino. In all Bayfield's presentations they glorify and extol
the NI43-101 reported multi million ounces of Rainy River. Well Rainy River which in
2011 was over $12.50 a share is going for $3.90 today. That's a real bargain. We know
what they are fundamentally worth. If you want a bargain investment buy Rainy River. CHEERS