Comment by
Bluecollar1 on May 06, 2021 8:41am
Read it again Chris it closed because they didn't need it! Their making money!
Comment by
Robotme on May 06, 2021 8:54am
I guess reading isn't something you bothered to learn then? You really don't look too good when you proudly and publicly make such dumb mistakes. I know you're just trying to spin the story, but you just come off as an idiot who can't read.
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Chrisvaughan on May 06, 2021 9:04am
You might not be able to read between the lines but I can. Lol
Comment by
Robotme on May 06, 2021 10:11am
The idiot with 600 handles because he keeps getting banned constantly trying to bash the company is "reading between the lines" hahahahahaha, you really aren't very bright. Bye now
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Chrisvaughan on May 06, 2021 10:37am
If it's true is it bashing? I once held here and would like to see the company succeed, but not some of the creepy shareholders from ceo.
Comment by
Robotme on May 06, 2021 12:48pm
If your baseless lie is true? Well your stupidity is pretty Damn real.You must be trying to make some money today getting quoted on stockboards by any means, including saying the dumbest possible things to get a reaction. You are a tragedy personified. I'm done laughing at you for today, bye bye frozenone
Comment by
wow1234 on May 06, 2021 10:54am
basher with multiple handles like Chris can only read between lines, so twisted