VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- BioVaxys Technology Corp. (CSE: BIOV) (FRA: 5LB) (OTCQB: BVAXF) ("BioVaxys" or "Company") announced today that it has executed a binding Term Sheet ("Term Sheet" or "Agreement") with Procare Health Iberia, S.L. ("Procare Health"), of Barcelona, Spain ("Procare Health"), for exclusive marketing and distribution in the United States of Procare Health's leading patented product, Papilocare™, the world's first and only vaginal gel product with clinical evidences to prevent and treat HPV-dependent cervical lesions, and for Immunocaps®, an oral over-the-counter nutritional supplement that supports immune function and vaginal microbiota to help re-epithelialization of cervical lesions. As Immunocaps® is an OTC supplement, BioVaxys anticipates that regulatory approval is not required, allowing the rapid build out of sales channels and revenue generation from the product.